Thursday, March 24, 2005

FYP & Headache.....

It is me or everyone else in MMU is having the same problem? Recently I've been attack by headache at night. The reason for this is because I'm facing my FYP presentation this Friday and my moderator is the lecturer that fail most of the student that he moderates. In other words, he is DAMN HARD to please.
Originally my group wasn't moderated by him, but our orginal moderator is now on leave, and this guy ask the faculty to give him the chance to moderate us, I mean, what the hack?! I thought moderator are suppost to be assign by the faculty, why the hack you come and ask for moderating our group by yourself?? you wanna screw people, go screw other groups, don't stick your big bossy ass into my group.
Now all I can do is to pray and hope that he will pass us without making any of us suffer.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Me and My GT4 Quest

Don't know about you guys out there, but for me, PS2's GT4 was the best racing simulation game out there. A lot of improvement had been done by the developer.
When I was back in JB last weekend to attend my friend's wedding dinner, I grap the chance to play GT4 for the whole day, I was supprise that the right analog key was now the pedal for acceleration and braking, even though it's still can't beat the XBox's Z button, but it's already a big improvement compare to last time when all we can do is either accelerate at full speed or brake at full strength, there's no place in between. We can't play with the acceleration, or do Toe-Heel action. But I think there's still room for improvement, like separating the function into 2 button's like the XBox does, having one Z button to do the accelerate and the other one for the brake.
I'm still not that use to the "right analog key accelerate/brake" method, but for sure, I will try my best to adapt it.